Reading Intervention Students Soar



Thanks to your support and our dedicated staff members, our Reading Intervention students have been making great strides in their reading skills! In December, we completed 10 weeks of this program in 8 HISD elementary schools. Of the 274 students being served, 34% have already moved up 1 Reading Grade Level in this short period of time!

Not only have WE been seeing great improvement in these students’ academic progress, but their school teachers have as well! “I have already seen so much improvement with these students and cannot wait to see their mid-year assessment results! I only wish that ALL of my students could be a part of your Reading Intervention program,” stated Parker Glass, first grade teacher at Ashford Elementary School. It is this kind of feedback that reinforces our beliefs that we are doing great things with our students. With your continued support, we are sure to see even greater results by the end of the 23 week program.

We are currently seeking more volunteers for this program. Volunteers assist our staff during small group reading tutorials. Tasks vary, but typically include reading books, reviewing targeted literacy skills, or playing a game to reinforce skills with students. If YOU are interested in becoming a Reading Intervention volunteer, please contact Kandace Davis at